Directed by Kait Schuster
Produced by Cat Coyne, Kristen Laffey
United States | English | 11' | Fiction
Newly back together, Lucy and J are spending the afternoon fumbling through a role-play to work through Lucy’s recent sexual assault. As earnest as their efforts may be, they struggle to get on the same page — Lucy finding fault in J's performance and J worrying that they're doing more harm than good. But, what happens when Lucy gets the aggression she’s been pushing for? Will it be healing or was J right all along?
‘Slow burn’ is the perfect descriptor to this undeniably complicated story. Careful shot selection coupled with aesthetically inviting production design, soften the blow of a scar in healing. Multi-hyphenate filmmaker Kate Schuster elevates the conversation and understanding around life-altering traumatic events. Lio Mehiel,not to be overlooked, is a force of nature. As beautiful as the flower it’s named after. — Elle Shaw, Festival Director
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