Directed by Kelly Walker
Produced by Camille Bernier-Green, Alex Sgambati, Mariah Bess
United States | English | 10' | Fiction
Cat is pregnant and doesn’t want to be. Since support is scarce and options are limited, she decides to take a non-traditional approach by enlisting the help of Sophie - a local doula who aids women as they take matters into their own hands. Literally. With Sophie’s help, Cat manages her at-home abortion, and comes into a deeper sense of personal power in the process.
In a time when women’s rights are being infringed upon by our government, Miso hits extra hard. A heartwarming tale of women supporting women, Miso is a wonderfully simple film that gave me all the feels. Director Kelly Walker takes us deeper into a world we rarely get to see and shines a light on what it looks like when women live out their choices. — Jillian Corsie, Programmer
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