Directed by Chaconne Martin-Berkowicz
Produced by Cailin Lobb-Rabe, Chaconne Martin-Berkowicz, Gia Rigoli, Vero Kompalic
United States | English | 15' | Fiction
The night of a sorority hazing event, Scotty, a college freshman, must make an impression on the older girl she wants as her “big”. As the night goes on, Scotty realizes how far she’s willing to go to prove herself. Power dynamics are not what they seem.
SCOTTY’S VAG captivates viewers with its masterful cinematography, fun set design, and flawless editing, which all blend together to create an awesome immersive experience. As someone who attended a university with a prominent Greek system, this film effortlessly transports me back. Filmmaker Chaconne Martin-Berkowicz explores moral gray areas and social pressure with tact and skill. The film is so layered and seamlessly blends different emotions, tones, and perspectives. This one is sure to make you cringe in the best of ways! — Jillian Corsie, Programmer
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