Directed by Stéphanie Halfon
Produced by Anne Berjon, Caroline Adrian
France | French | 30' | Fiction
Etel, a 9-year-old girl who lives in the Hassidic community in Paris, gets her period for the first time. Myriam, her mother, finally looks at her as if she were a woman. Etel is blessed, until she finds out that in her religion, women are considered impure when they have their period.
One of the best short films I have ever seen, I’m thrilled to be able to share WOMEN OF VIRTUE with Salute Your Shorts audiences.This film hit me right in the gut. I deeply connect with Etel, and it's refreshing to finally see a movie centered around a girl's journey through menstruation. The film's stunning visuals, well-balanced pacing, fantastic music, and emotional impact make it a complete package. — Jillian Corsie, Programmer
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